Thursday, October 1, 2020

Blue Crest

 "Blue Crest" is a non-rhyming sonnet in which the speaker ponders fear and failure stuck on a bridge in traffic. It's in Slant, a journal in print only, v. 34, Summer 2020.

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Saturday, September 19, 2020


 Many thanks to Unstamatic for publishing my futuristic micro-poem "Walls" in their September issue and to Roman Rivera for the terrific artwork.

Friday, September 4, 2020

The Death Jar

Autumn Sky Daily reprinted my poem "The Death Jar" online. This poem about gardens and mothers and childhood intuition was first published in  print by Bamboo Ridge and is one of the poems included in my first book, Such Luck.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

They Made My Face

I'm always happy to place a poem in Silver Blade, a magazine for literary speculative poetry. "They Made My Face" considers Helen of Troy as a victim of male culture and opioid addiction. The inspiration for this poem was from Emily Wilson's new translation of Honer's Odyssey.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Featured Poet in Turtle Island Quarterly #19

 My new poem "Woods Walk" appears in Turtle Island Quarterly #19 (Spring/Summer 2020) along with four poems in my book Such Luck along with a short review from Marge Simon. The second featured poet is George Drew with poems from his book Drumming Armageddon

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Cold Piano Octave Plus a Fifth

 August 19: Here is a poem for amateur musicians published in the wonderful Writing in a Woman's Voice.

(To view it after August 19, go to the blog archive and click on August 19.)

Monday, June 22, 2020

Pending in Liminality

Liminality is another journal I love that publishes slipstream pieces like this prose poem "Pending." My first time in this publication! Hope to make it a habit. (Issue 24, June 2020)

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Two Poems in DMQ Review

Disquieting Muses Quarterly has wonderful production and illustration. So proud they took two of my poems:  "Because the Sky Was My First Friend" and "My Mind Wanders in Shavasana," DMQ Review, Spring 2020 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Field Girl

I'm always so happy if I get a poem accepted in the wonderful Journal of Compressed Creative Arts click on "April"in the archives and scroll down to April 22 to find "Field Girl," an experimental poem that juxtaposes nouns instead of using complete sentences.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

Fire Escapes

At long last,  I won a prize in an international poetry contest, The Plough Poetry Prize, for my poem "Fire Escapes," an un-alphabetical abecedarian about about fear and its inherent irrationality and subjectivity. How we can be afraid of things others handle with courage and brave about things others fear. And how we can step outside of our fears and laugh at ourselves while still taking our fears seriously.

Friday, April 3, 2020

The Animals in My Name

I invite you to read this poem in Cider Press Review (Vol. 21, Issue 4) and then see how many animals you find in your name!

Monday, March 30, 2020


This is my first time I've published a poem in an Australia Journal with the irresistible name Not Very Quiet. It was the first place I sent "Undertow" and they accepted it within a week.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Ace Boggess reviews SUCH LUCK!

It's hard for unknown poets like me to get reviews, much less in a stellar journal. I'm lucky to have a thorough and thoughtful review of Such Luck by Ace Boggess in The Pedestal Magazine.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

When We Look into a Lake

This poem was inspired by a little book of photographs by David Robertson called Cosmos and You. The photos were taken in the Tahoe Lake region,Wa She Shu is a tribal name which was anglicized as Washoe. Da ow is the Wa She Shu word for “the lake” which was anglicized as Tahoe. Click to enter the amazing world of Turtle Island Quarterly.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Doing Yoga Wrong with This Glimpse and Bad Luck

I'm so happy to have three poems published in the daily Writing in a Woman's Voice.  You'll have to scroll for the dates, but it's worth it for all the amazing poems written by women. My first poem, "This Glimpse," appeared on International Time Travel Day, November 5, 2019 followed by "Bad Luck" on November 6, 2019. I occasionally write poems about doing yoga wrong. "My Mind Wanders in Shavasana" was published on January 15, 2020. Enjoy!